Total Weekly Mileage: 48-50ish running only, 53.23 including hiking
Easy 6
Actual: 7.14, 10:17 pace. If I did the exact mileage I had prescribed for the week, it would put me at 49 miles... I wanted I added a mile today! Took Argie for 1 mile, then dropped him off and picked up Loki for the remainder. Loki and I went up to the park and worked on "not pulling" on the leash. He's getting better!!
9 with 4 x 3:00 @ 7:30 pace
Actual: 9.16 miles, 9:13 average pace. Ran from the Botanic Gardens to Connected Lakes and back. 4.75 easy, then 4 x 3:00 @ 7:25, 7:26, 7:27, 7:30 with 2:00 recovery and then cool-down. So Happy I got all of these at or under pace!
Easy 7
Actual: 7.14 miles, 10:21 average pace in The Monument. Ran Serpenets Trail up onto Rim Rock Drive for an out-and-back with 1200 feet elevation gain and GORGEOUS views!
Actual: Rest
Easy 5
Actual: Morning 5 with Loki, 9:36 pace. Added some strides to get my legs ready for Canyonlands Half!
Canyonlands Half Marathon
Actual: Canyonlands Half Marathon - finished in 1:50:45 (race report coming soon!). I was shooting for 1:45 but unfortunately there was a strong headwind almost the entire time! I kept hoping it would go away, but alas no such luck. Still a beautiful day though! I also went for a hike later that afternoon - about 2 miles into Mill Creek Canyon which ended at a gorgeous waterfall!
Easy 8
Actual: I stayed in Moab Saturday night and woke up early on Sunday to go hike to Delicate Arch in time to catch the sunrise. It was glorious! That run/hike was about 3 miles (mostly hiking, but I did run some of the downhills). After that I headed over to the Windows area of Arches National Park for about 2 miles of hiking and taking pictures, followed by 3 1/2 miles of running on the road which was also glorious! I love Moab! Last, I took the pups for a walk after I got ended up with 9.5 miles of running and hiking throughout the day!
Weight Loss:
Starting Weight: 133.3
Ending Weight: 130.8
Weekly Loss: 2.5
Kind of surprised about this weeks loss - once again all motivation is gone. I think I'm just beginning to really question if it's worth it. Getting to 125 and maintaining is SO difficult for me!
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