Well, don't' let the name fool you. Absolutely nothing about this race felt like I was in the desert. It normally would, as you can see in the photos I took while running part of this course back in March. But today it decided to rain. And rain a little more. And a little more. But what was about 10 times worse than the rain was definitely the never ending mud caused by the rain.
Nevertheless, it was an interesting day and I don't regret doing this race. In the world of running, especially trail running, there are bound to be some bad days. And what can I say, I have been pretty lucky thus far, in that most of the races I've done have been nice weather. So I sucked it up and finished. Plus it gave me a nice excuse for my incredibly slow time!
This race is part of a trailrunning festival taking place over the entire weekend. On Saturday there is a Marathon, 50K, and Double Marathon, and then on Sunday is a Half-Marathon and 5 Mile race. I signed up to race on Saturday and volunteer Sunday, so it was a bit of a crazy weekend. Because the Marathon started at 6:30 am on Saturday, I didn't really want to make the hour and a half drive that morning, so I planned to stay with Melissa on Friday night. Then after the race, Scott and Argie would meet me up in Grand Junction on Saturday afternoon, so that we could camp at the National Monument that night, and I could volunteer Sunday morning.
So Friday after work, I headed down to Grand Junction, picked up my race packet (which took a pretty long time actually - I wasn't expecting that. But at least it wasn't as long as the Red Hot 33K line - although I had to ask myself, why is it always races where I'm by myself that the line for packet pick-up takes forever? I never have anyone to talk to). Anyways, after that I met Melissa for dinner at Noodles and Company (YUM! Great pre-race fuel IMO). Then we went back to her place and watched a movie, before I ditched her to go to bed early (in my defense, I did have to get up at 4:45!!).
I slept OKAY. Not great, but not terrible. Unfortunately, it was raining out. The week before the race, the forecast said it was supposed to be beautiful! As we got closer, it slowly kept getting worse, until it finally said it was supposed to rain all morning. When does it rain in the morning in Colorado?? I always thought that was supposed to be an afternoon thing? But I kept holding out hope that maybe it would stop by the time the race started.
I left Melissa's at 5:15ish and made the 20 minute drive west to Mack. It was lightly raining. I was glad I got there somewhat early because it meant I got a decent parking space! Not too far from the start/finish line. I sat in my car for awhile trying to decide what in the world I was going to wear in the rain. I was incredibly thankful that I brought my old trail shoes, as I knew it would at least be somewhat muddy (although I definitely underestimated the amount of muddiness!!). After awhile I got out, circled through the restroom line, and then hopped back in my car until about 10 minutes before the race. Right before I got out, I made the impulse decision to fashion myself a "rain vest" out of an extra trash bag (surprisingly this actually worked out very nicely - kept the rain off, but I didn't get too hot, like I probably would have had I worn my rain jacket). I also decided to wear my visor (and WHAT A LIFESAVER - it seemed silly at first since it wasn't sunny, but this seriously saved my glasses!!! I barely ever had to wipe them off).
Finally, it was about 6:20am, so I got out of my car and looked for some people I knew. I eventually found Robert and Brad - 2 guys from Delta that I run with sometimes. Brad had texted me the day before to see if we wanted to run together to start out with, since he was planning to do the Double Marathon and wanted some company to help pass the miles. I agreed, as long as he was okay going slow with me!
Waiting for the start. |
And the gun went off (once again, if there was a gun, I can't remember). The route starts off on a nice dirt road. We took this slow and let a lot of the faster runners pass. About a mile and a half in, we got to the Moore Fun Trail (don't let the name fool you, this section is one of the steeper sections of the course) and the power hiking commenced. Because there were several hundred runners, we were still fairly congested at this point, so it was pretty much just a single file line up the trail for awhile. But once we got to the top, the views were phenomenal (which I already knew - as I have done this section before, BUT it looked completely different in the rain).
View from the top of Moore Fun Trail |
Once we got to the top of this section, it was time to start heading back down again. This is when I got my first experience of just how muddy this run was going to be. It got pretty slippery in sections, and I had a couple of "almost falls". GREAT. Somewhere during this section I heard a runner behind me ask if they could pass. Not thinking, I stepped off the trail. And a swarm of around 30 people kept rushing past with no one willing to let me back on. Annoying! I eventually got back on the trail, but I had clearly lost Brad. So for the next couple of miles, my motivation was to catch up with him. And I eventually did (surprisingly without falling), probably less than a mile from the first aid station.
The first aid station was about 6 miles in. There were port-a-potties here and I didn't know if there would be anymore else ware on the course, so I decided to go ahead and wait in line for them. So I lost Brad again. For the rest of the race. I was a little bummed about this since it meant I still had 20 miles to go, all by my lonesome. But that's okay, I'm used to running alone anyways. I was just hoping to get a few more miles than that with company.
Anyways, after surviving the port-a-potties (they were very tilted...scary!), I grabbed a couple snacks from the aid station and continued on. This next part was definitely my favorite. Mary's Loop. For starters it's relatively flat compared to the other sections, and second of all, it's GORGEOUS! You're running right along a ridge line with views of the Colorado River below. I definitely had to stop a few times for pictures. This section is also more rocky than others, so it was a little less muddy (yay!).
The ridge line that we ran along |
One of my favorite pictures from the day! |
Probably my favorite picture from the day! |
What I didn't realize, was that this next section would be horrendous. I'm calling it my "Debbie Downer" portion of the race. I might've been a bit negative. For starters, I didn't know that I had to go from 13.2 to 19.9 without any aid stations, and it took FOREVER. Secondly, I swear I got passed by a million people, including Robert, who was 5 miles ahead of me (he did the 50K, and they had to do an extra 5 mile loop shortly after mile 6). Now don't get me wrong, I knew he was going to pass me at some point because he's pretty fast, but he passed me so soon! Right after the 13.2 aid station. That was depressing! And the mud... It just kept coming. It was slow going up, and slow going down. It was slippery. I was so afraid I was going to end up face planting into it. Or worse, sliding off a cliff. By mile 16, I was ready to be done. By mile 19, I honestly felt like I was going to be the very last person to finish the marathon. And then, just to add to my "Negative Nancy" attitude, I got passed by a few double marathoners coming back out for the their second loop.
Finally, after what seemed like FOREVER, I made it to the mile 19.9 aid station! What a relief that was. Had we been a little closer to my car, I probably would've dropped out. The aid station volunteers were pretty awesome though! They were super helpful, and one guy held my pack for me while I finally shed my trash bag vest and long sleeve shirt, and another lady assured me that I was not the last person out there and that I only had a 10K to go! So thank you to those aid station volunteers, they were AWESOME! I stayed at this aid station a little longer than the others, fueling up, and getting my attitude back to normal. I had some soda, which was delicious, and then headed on to what I figured would be the longest 10K ever (until I do Leadville and Pikes Peak this summer anyways!!).
The last 6 miles starts with quite a big hill. It was up, up, and more up. I tried to work on my power hiking (since I will definitely need this for Leadville and Pikes), and actually passed a few people. Probably about a mile into this section I caught up with a lady named Anne, who I had seen a few times earlier, and we ended up staying together for the rest of the race. This really helped my attitude. I finally had someone to chat with, and it turns out she lived in Boulder and worked in Broomfield! Small world!
The big hill right after the 19.9 aid station. It was a lot steeper than this makes it look! |
The last high point before descending for the LAST time (finally!) |
Brad and Robert were at the finish. Robert had finished in 5 1/2 hours (for a 50K? in those conditions!?! How are people so fast?), and Brad finished in around 6 (and decided not to do the second lap for the double because of the conditions). I came in at a whopping 6:30:55. Longer than the 50K I did last month! But meh, what are you going to do? The fact that I didn't drop out, and pushed myself to finish, is an accomplishment in itself, in my opinion. It wasn't fun, but I committed to running this marathon, so I'm glad I stuck with it and did it! I do think I probably could've done it in around 5 1/2, had it not been for all of the mud...so perhaps I'll just have to challenge my time next year?! We shall see! ;)
Date: April 19, 2014
Weather: 50's and RAIN
Distance: Marathon (my Garmin clocked it at 26.36 miles)
Bib Number: 229
Official Time: 6:30:55
Garmin Moving Time: 6:21:40
Average Pace: 14:50 min/mile
Elevation Gain: 3,140 feet
Overall Rank: 95 / 133 (honestly, WAY better than I expected)
Gender Rank: 35 / 53
Division Rank (Females 20-29): 3 of 5 (I placed - what!?!?)
Miles 1-7: 10:28, 14:50, 14:35, 13:47, 12:06, 12:36, 17:46
Miles 8-14: 11:04, 11:08, 14:40, 10:39, 13:11, 13:03, 17:18
Miles 15-21: 14:20, 18:15, 15:16, 17:41, 20:31, 20:43, 20:42
Miles 22-26: 15:31, 16:17, 14:19, 13:39, 13:06, 9:56 (last .3)
Map and Elevation Profile |
All finished! |
The Finish Line! |
Lots of mud! |
So now that it's over and done with, I can look back, and say it wasn't actually that bad. I'm glad I pushed through my negative attitude and finished! I am extremely surprised with my rankings. I really did think I was going to be the last person to finish the marathon...so there's some good news there! The views on the course were PHENOMENAL. I knew that going in, but they were still awesome. Seriously, I never used to know that Colorado had this kind of terrain. Pretty awesome! I definitely would like to run this again another year in dry weather to compare. I think it would be very different.
I do want to try something a little new, and do a "what worked" and "what didn't work", so I can keep a record for future runs in these kind of conditions:
What worked:
- My visor - seriously SAVED me! My face and my glasses didn't get wet!
- My trash bag vest - pretty awesome solution for, obviously, a minimal cost. Plus, I could toss it later without worry.
- My trail shoes (Brooks Cascadia 7's) - for the most part, these worked well. Obviously there's nothing that would've been amazing in the mud, but I think they got the job done
- Running skirt (Brooks) - I was glad that my legs were bare and I wasn't wearing tights or compression socks with this amount of mud. That would've been a pain to clean.
- I forgot my gloves. I ended up being okay, but there were a few instances where they would've been nice
- Fuel - my last couple trail runs, I just haven't had a lot of energy at the end, and I think I can contribute this to the fact that I haven't been taking enough fuel. Since trail runs don't have as many aid stations, I need to be better about remembering to take things myself (vs. road marathons that have them every 2 miles to remind you)
The rest of the weekend:
After the race, I stuck around for a bit and ate some food, then drove up to the Colorado National Monument to reserve our campsite before heading back down into Grand Junction to meet up with Scott and Argie. We got dinner in town and and then went and set up camp. The rain had definitely stopped and it actually ended up being a gorgeous evening. I had originally wanted to drive back to Grand Junction to go the awards / after party, but the thought of making the 30 minute drive AGAIN that day didn't sound to appealing, plus I was kind of exhausted by this point in the evening. So I ended up heading to bed early, before waking up for my volunteer shift the next day.
Beautiful evening at the Colorado National Monument |
Tent all set up! |
This picture makes me laugh - it's like he was posing! |
On Sunday, I got up at 5:45, got dressed, and then drove to back to Mack to help out at the Half Marathon. It ended up being a seriously, PERFECT day. I was a little jealous that I wasn't running. But at least I had nice weather to stand around outside in. I snapped a few pictures from the day:
View from the starting line. I could tell it was going to be a much nicer day than Saturday! |
I might be in love with this picture! Doesn't that just make you want to go run!? |
View from the aid station I volunteered at. |