Sunday, April 24, 2016

Week in Review 4/11 - 4/17 (Marathon Training)

Just 2 weeks to go until The Colorado Marathon! That means it is TAPER TIME! AKA, not running 60 miles per week, which is heavenly if I do say so myself...

Total Miles Ran: 44.73 running only, 49.73 including a hike!

Easy 8
Actual: 8 trail miles at Polluck Bench with Loki and the Striders run club. I hadn't done this trail yet and it was phenomenal! I definitely want to get to the Monday night group runs more often!

Rest or Xtrain
Actual: Rest

Easy 7
Actual: 7.12, 10:54 pace in the Colorado National Monument. Ran up Serpents Trail (just under 2 miles one-way), then hopped onto the road and kept going up until my turn around point. My calves did not like me on this one with over 1100' of elevation gain!

Easy 6
Actual: 6.32 at the Lunch Loops with Loki. 11:37 pace.

Easy 10
Actual: 10.17 early morning miles. We were headed to Salt Lake after work, so I had to get up nice and early to do this before work. 

13.1 - Salt Lake City Half Marathon. Easy with last 4 @ 8:18 pace.
Actual: Ran easy with last 4 @ 8:18, 8:13, 8:12, 7:47. I'm not going to lie, I had a blast passing a bunch of people as I got faster at the end! I'm usually the one slowing down at the end, so this was fun.

Easy 5
Actual: Hiked 5 miles to the Fifth Water Hot Springs near Spanish Fork, Utah before we headed back home!

Week in Review 4/4 - 4/10 (Marathon Training)

I'm a little behind on my "week in review" here is April 4th - April 10th, real quick. This was my last major training week before tapering starts!!! I can't believe how close race day is getting!

Total Miles Ran: 60.68

Rest or Crosstrain
Actual: Rest

Easy 7
Actual: It was super windy out, so I hit the gym for 7 treadmill miles, 9:30 pace.

10 with 3 x 6:00 @ 7:40 pace, 1:00 recovery
Actual: 10.37 miles, 9:35 average. Speedwork ended up at 3 x 6:00 @ 7:32, 7:36, 7:52. Legs felt really heavy from the get-go, so this was a struggle!

Easy 8
Actual: 8.63 trail run with Loki at the Lunch Loops!

Easy 6
Actual: 6.01 up to Canyonview Park with the pup!

Long 17
Actual: 18.08 long run, 9:27 pace.

Easy 10
Actual: 10.59 mile trail run out at Rabbit Valley (near the border of Utah) with some girl friends and Loki.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Week in Review 3/28 - 4/3 (Marathon Training)

Total Weekly Mileage: 60.85 running, 64.01 with hiking.

Rest or Crosstrain
Actual: Rest

Easy 8
Actual: 8:28 in the morning before work with Loki, 9:56 pace. We also added another 2.15 in after work because I had plans for Saturday and wasn't sure I'd get all of my miles in.

11 with 8 x 1:00 @ 7:20 pace, 2:00 recovery
 Actual: 11.06 total, 9:26 pace. I ended up getting rained on starting at mile 4 and continuing until about mile 9 - right when I was doing the speedwork - so this was tough. I really wasn't paying that close of attention to making sure these were on pace, so they were kind of a mess: 7:07, 7:33, 7:31, 7:15, 7:39, 7:12, 7:11, 7:08.
Before the rain started, I noticed the trees are starting to bloom!

Easy 7
Actual: 8.26 trail run at the lunch loops with Loki and the local run club, 11:02 pace.

Easy 8
Actual: 8.03 early morning run, 10:18 pace.

Long 20
Actual: I moved my weekend schedule around so that Scott and I could go up to Ouray for some exploring / hiking in the area on Saturday. We ended up hiking a little over 3 miles, then I ran an additional 3 when we got home for about 6 total.

Easy 8
Actual: Got my Long Run in on Sunday instead - 20.02 miles, 10:10 pace. This was a tough one for me mentally. I'm not really sure why, possibly a combination of a chest cough I've been dealing with, lack of fueling, and choosing a hilly route. Needless to say, I was GLAD when it was done! 

Week in Review 3/21 - 3/27 (Marathon Training)

Well Marathon training is in it's peak stages right now which means running #AllTheMiles. Over 60 miles in a week while working full time is kind of exhausting. So needless to say, I will most definitely be ready to start tapering in a few weeks (many runners experience what is known as "taper madness", where they don't like to taper and go a little crazy...I on the other hand, have never had that problem. I love it!). Nevertheless, it did feel good to get all of these miles in...after they were done! 

Total Weekly Miles: 60.35 running, 64.39 total with hiking

Rest or Xtrain
Actual: Rest

10 with last 4 progression: 8:30, 8:20, 8:10, 8:00
Actual: 10.21 total, 9:14 avg. Last 4: 8:20, 8:13, 7:59, 7:47. A little fast, but overall I was really happy with how this went!

Easy 8
Actual: 8.36 miles, 9:52 average pace. My legs felt really heavy and tired for this, but got through it!

Easy 7
Actual: 7.26 Trail Run, 10:35 pace. Brought Loki to the Lunch Loop Trails for the first time - he loved it!

Easy 9
Actual: 9.2, 10:19 pace. Slow early morning run in the cold with Loki.

17 with last 5 @ 8:25
Actual: 17 with last 5 at 8:25, 8:25, 8:21, 8:19, 8:15 plus 1 additional cool-down, for 18.02 total, 9:21 average pace. Picking up the pace at the end of a long run is always tough, but feels good when I'm done!

Easy 9
Actual: Since I had done some extra throughout the week, I knew I only needed 7 to hit my goal of 60 miles - so that's what I did, especially considering the fact that I had to get this in before church. Ran as the sun came up, which was a great way to start my Easter! Later that afternoon, Scott and I also went for a hike with the pups to the top of Mt. Garfield, for an additional 4 hiking miles.

Flattop Mountain & Hallett Peak

I've been wanting to hike to the top of Hallett Peak ever since I found out it was the gorgeous mountain towering above Dream and Emera...