Considering I went into Aspen Valley Marathon without a ton of expectations, I'd say it went well. I hadn't done a long road run since the Ridgway 10 Miler back in June, and that wasn't even that long compared to the marathon distance. But I've been run/hiking enough miles for Pikes Peak training these days, that I knew I could at the very least finish the marathon, and maybe at the very most PR (get a new "personal record") since it is a net downhill course.
With the amount of races and traveling I've also been doing this year, I didn't really want to spend any more money on a hotel either, especially with Aspen being somewhat close (2 hours). So despite the incredibly early start time (6:00am), I decided I would just drive up the morning of. It really helped when I found out that Scott had the day off, and offered to drive me (seriously can't thank him enough!!!). This meant getting everything I needed ready on Friday night so there wasn't any scrambling the next morning as we left by 3:00am to get into Aspen by 5:00am, so that I had a decent amount of time for packet pick up and a restroom stop before the start.
We ended up getting to the starting line at about 5:15. The only parking we could find was a loading zone, which worked out okay since Scott was basically just dropping me off. While he stayed in the car, I went and got my race packet, bib and timing chip and circled through the restroom line before heading back to the car to get everything ready (shoes on, hair up, bib pinned, etc). Even though it was a small race and time/crowds/etc. wasn't an issue, I found myself nervous I wasn't going to get everything done! But alas I did and left Scott and Argie with about 15 minutes to spare.
I walked over to the start line, circled through the bathroom line one more time and then gathered with the crowds. I saw a few Team Beef members and TONS of Marathon Maniacs (oh yes - not sure I mentioned that yet - I qualified for and joined the Marathon Maniacs by running 3 marathons within 3 months!). I wished I had some Marathon Maniac clothing so I could fit in with them - alas, someday (it's a bit on the pricey side - although so is everything running related - must learn to get over that!).
Anyways after taking a few pictures and standing around, I ran into David Knapp - who I mentioned in a previous post - he's the ALZ Star running 50 marathon's this year to raise $50,000 for the Alzheimer's Association (Click here to donate to his cause) - this was marathon #30 for this year! We been friends on facebook for awhile, but finally just met in person for the first time! We stood around chatting for a few minutes until the the official start.
The starting line. |
It was a much smaller crowd of people than I expected, so I crossed the starting line almost immediately. It was nice and cool out at this point (too bad it wouldn't stay like this all morning). I hadn't decided on any set pace that I wanted to run, so I just flipped my watch to the regular "watch mode" rather than running mode, and focused on what felt comfortable. The first mile weaves through town and over to the same park that I ran my first 5K in just barely over 2 years ago (kind of cool to be running part of the same course, but in a Marathon, 2 years later - just shows how far I've come in a pretty short amount of time), before getting onto the Rio Grande Trail (which is more of a bike path than a "trail") which eventually leads out of town and towards Basalt.
Running through the town of Aspen! |
I was apparently very excited to see them! Also - that's Michelle next to me - who I ended up chatting with for about half the race. |
Shortly after running through the park, I started chatting with a nice lady, who I'm guessing was in her 40's. Her name was Michelle and she was using this race as part of training for an Iron Man in September. We ended up chatting for awhile about all things running/Iron Man related for quite some time. We talked a little about our pace goals as well. Like me, she wasn't dead set on a certain time, but had thought it would be nice if she could get a 3:55 - which would be a Boston Qualifying time for her. We were several miles in by this time, and so I kind of, without high hopes, decided perhaps I could potentially break a 4:00 marathon. Of course, I knew it was too early to really push for it, but I was running some upper 8 and low 9 minute miles pretty easily and while still being able to talk, to I thought it was atleast possible.
Pretty! |
I was literally taking these while running, so they're a bit blurry! |
Around mile 11, I heard Michelle catch up with me. Apparently she had stopped to use the restroom and so I had passed her without realizing it. It was nice to have the company and we started up our conversation again. It really was helping pass the miles! Before I knew it we had hit 13 miles. There weren't any official split/timing mats, so I was keeping an eye on my Garmin to see what my time was going to be at the half way point - it was 1:56:22 - just 15 seconds under my PR from the Georgetown to Idaho Springs Half Marathon last year (which was 1:56:35). This was exciting (also, clearly I need to run a Half again sometime, so I can beat that PR! If I can do it in the first half of a marathon, I know I can do it even more so in real life!).
The shady spots like this were few and far between as we got further on in the course! |
There was another aid station at around mile 19 where I grabbed another few shot blocks, then we went over this really neat looking bridge. Shortly after this is when Michelle decided she needed to walk a little, so I continued on without her and unfortunately lost her for the rest of the race (I hope she did okay!). Mile 19.7 was an aid station at the Basalt High School that I thought I might see Scott and Argie at. The race packet I had printed mentioned it as a good spot for spectators, so he was going to go there if he could find it. Unfortunately he wasn't there when I passed by. I told him I would probably be there around the 3 hour mark, but I passed through at bout 2:55 so I actually called him (while running) to check and see if perhaps I had just missed him. He said he hadn't been able to find it and that he'd be at the finish line.
The awesome bridge we went over - and the last picture I took because I started to feel like death shortly after this. |
I don't know if it was the high hopes I got there, or what, but the last 10K did not go as planned. I knew I was getting tired, but I didn't realize how much I would start hurting as the last 6 miles continued on. It also didn't help that the course kind of turned to blah at this point. I believe it was around mile 21 that the course left the bike path/walking trail and went onto roads. We had our first bit of longer uphill (it wasn't anything terrible, but after 20 miles of nice gradual downhill, it felt like death), and I knew my pace was slowing. I told myself, just keep 9:30's. You can make sub-4 if you run 9:30's. And I tried. And I did a 9:27 for mile 22...and then it all went to hell in a hand basket. It had been hot for awhile now, but I swear the temperature jumped 10 degrees over the last 4 miles. My right hamstring had been fairly tight for awhile now, but now both of them were bothering me. And getting worse. And did I mention how hot it was??
Mile 23 - 9:55
I told myself not to waste time by stopping at any more aid stations, as I had my handheld water bottle - but I couldn't help it. I atleast stopped for a second and grabbed water at each one. I even starting pouring water on my head at a few of them.
Mile 24 - 10:30
This was the point in the race where you can really start to tell who paced themselves well and who was hurting. I passed a lot of people, but I also got passed by a lot of people. And oh how my pace slowed. So much for my 9:30's I needed. I told myself it was going to hurt no matter how fast I ran - so just keep my pace up and get it done! But it was SO much easier said that done. I just couldn't do it.
I did at the very least make myself keep running. No walking. I knew I would be mad at myself if I walked.
Mile 25 - 10:52
Finally somewhere around mile 25, we FINALLY went through the tunnel that goes under the highway. This was a relief because I knew it meant I really was almost done! I tried to pick up my pace. Didn't really happen much, but I tried.
Mile 26 - 10:49
Finally, I hit the 26 mile mark! Only .2 to go - I picked up my pace. I went over a bridge and saw Scott and Argie!!! They got some pictures of me! I smiled and really actually do think I picked up my pace this time, went a little farther, rounded a corner and there was finally the finish line. And I crossed it in 4:03:10. Missed my sub-4 by 3:10. Totally would've had it if only I could've done the 9:30's like I told myself. It was a bummer, BUT, looking on the bright side, this was still a HUGE PR over my last marathon time of 4:18:17. I had taken 15 minutes of my time. That is a pretty significant chunk of time. As much as beating the 4 hour mark appealed to me, I know I'm improving a lot. To be able to hold 8:40-9:10 minute miles for 20 miles is a pretty big achievement for me.
Only .2 to go!!! |
I don't look like total death??? Although I definitely felt like it at this point. |
Date: July 19, 2014
Distance: 26.2 Miles
Bib Number: 14
Gun Time: 4:03:21
Chip Time: 4:03:10
Average Pace: 9:16 minutes/mile
Overall Rank: 86 of 230
Gender Rank: 30 of 113
Division Rank (F20-29): 8 of 23
Elevation Gain/Loss: 688 Ft. Gain / 2,002 Loss
Minimum Elevation: 6,502 Feet
Maximum Elevation: 7,950 Feet
Half Marathon Split: 1:56:22 (Unofficial PR!)
Garmin Splits:
Miles 1-10: 9:12, 8:47, 8:42, 8:49, 9:02, 9:12, 8:51, 8:40, 8:46, 8:34
Miles 11-20: 8:52, 9:02, 9:02, 8:59, 8:50, 9:05, 10:05, 9:11, 9:55, 9:07
Miles 21-26.2: 9:18, 9:27, 9:55, 10:30, 10:52, 10:49, 9:46 (last .2) (Boo - miles 24-26 were the 3 minutes I needed!!!)
LIKES / What Worked:
- Overall this was a good course in terms of run-ability. It was net downhill for the most part, and very scenic (for the first 20 miles anyways).
- I felt like this race was a good size. There were 230 marathon finishers and about the same amount of half marathon finishers - putting about 600 out on the course. Plenty of people to always have a few around, but not so many that you have to worry about congestion.
- Pretty good post-race stuff. Free beer and food without a huge line.
- The finishers medal was an Aspen Leaf - super cute (although I feel like it should've been gold??)
- Once again my Skirt Sports Gym Girl Ultra - I swear I am not paid by them to say this, but I LOVE this skirt - perfect for marathons with it's 2 leg pockets - easy access to get my phone out and shoot pictures while running.
- Amphipod Handheld Water bottle - I wasn't sure if I wanted to carry a handheld or not, and it did kind of bother me at the beginning, BUT I really liked having it towards the end, especially as the temperature rose.
DISLIKES / What Didn't Work:
- The last 6 miles of this course are BLAH. It's hot, you leave the nice pretty bike path and go on boring roads with some uphill (after SO many miles of downhill), and you have to make this weird loop, just to get the miles in.
- Did I mention how hot the last few miles were?
- No food aid stations until Mile 16. I carried my own stuff so this wasn't a huge deal, but I just don't understand what's with all these races that don't have much fuel - don't they know you're supposed to start fueling early!?
- My hamstrings were seriously killing me at the end. There's a slight possibility this was partly because I went to BodyPump the Thursday before - will try to remember not to do that next time and see if it makes a difference...
A few more pictures and course map / elevation profile:
Finisher's Medal! |
I survived! |
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Course Map |
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Detail of the terrible, not so good, very bad last 6 miles... See the annoying loop at the end - blah! |
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Elevation profile - it felt WAY more gradual than this makes it look. |
We wore Argie out with all of the excitement! |
Still a work in progress, but my "running wall"! All of the stuff on the shelf are things I've gotten from races! |
Sunday's Project (still not sure if I'll ever do a 100 - but I figured I'd put it on just in case...) |
And some awesome pictures that Scott took of flowers in Basalt while he was waiting for me:
As scary as it still seems, I have officially decided that I would like to try and Boston Qualify in 2015 (which would mean actually running Boston in 2016). I know it's going to be a lot of work, but I also know I've been improving a lot just from experience (I've now taken over 20 minutes off from my first marathon). I hope a combination of dedicated training and speed work, combined with the experience of multiple marathons will hopefully get me there. I know it may take several attempts, but I do believe it is possible! Stay tuned for more details on this (the plan right now is to shoot for a spring marathon - so I won't officially start training until late fall or early winter probably).
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