Total Miles Ran: 56.9
Rest Day
I did spend 30 minutes shoveling when I got home from work. It started snowing again right as I was finishing...
10 Miles with 3 Miles @ 7:45 Pace
As briefly mention above, we got a bunch of snow on Monday followed by freezing temperatures so I had to do this one inside. I am most definitely not a big fan of speedwork inside and my results clearly reflected that. To break up such a long indoor run I did part of the warm-up and cool down on the treadmill but hit the indoor track for my tempo: 8:18, 8:25, 8:17.
Easy 5
5.45 Miles on the riverfront trail with my friend Rochelle after work! Despite the sunshine, it was still quite cold at around 20 degrees and I definitely under dressed!
Easy 7
7.27 Miles after work with my dogs. Another frigid run: 18 degrees or so, but I did a much better job bundling up with multiple layers this time. The only thing cold ended up being my face - so I guess that's a win... although it left me thinking about this meme:
8 Miles with 8 x 20 Second Strides, 1:00 Recovery
8 Mile lunch run, 9:55 average pace. ANOTHER cold one (seriously this week sucked as far as temperatures go) but more bearable since it was during the middle of the day.
20 Miles, easy effort
Waited around all morning for it to warm-up (it was 9 degrees when I woke up). Finally decided I couldn't wait any longer and left at 12:30pm. It was 17 out. Ended at 27 degrees. Had the sun not been out I don't think I could have done this mentally.
Optional: Run 5, Rest or Crosstrain
I spent all weekend trying to decide what to do on Sunday and after much deliberation about doing very exciting things like going to Moab or up to snowshoe on the Grand Mesa, I eventually settled on staying local and hitting the Kokopelli Trails with the dogs. We had Rustler's Loop to ourselves so I experimented with letting them off the leash, and they LOVED it. Seriously the looks on their faces when they realized they were free to run as fast as they want just melted my heart!
Weight Loss:
Let's just say that I've hit a slump the past 2 weeks. So much for my "let's post my weight on my blog to hold myself accountable" statement I made a few weeks back. I do need to get myself back on track but I've got a work trip coming up that I know will not go well... so starting 2/15 I'm hoping to get going on the weight loss goal again. I'd also like to add in a bit more strength goals - nothing major, but try to spend a few nights a week doing core work. So I'll introduce both of these again in a few weeks...stay tuned!
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